Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Copy and paste a file from one location to another

I am trying to copy a file (that contains various contexts) from one area and paste it in another area.

I am using the cp command --> cp  /source.of.file /destination.of.file

The operator keeps responded omitting the /source.of.file  


The operator responds the /source.of.file is not a directory (however when I cd to the /source.of.file it takes me right to the correct directory.

(Additional Information: I am in a node under cluster on command line.)


  1. Hmm .. /source.of.file is really from the "root" directory and /destination is also "root" - so if you do not have root permissions, it will not allow you to copy - but not finding it is a mystery - not sure why

    do pwd (print working directory) - and if it is /home/bre for example - do cp /home/bre/filename /home/bre/newfilename and see if that works

  2. I figured it out. You're correct, I did not have permission.

